Air Quality Data Directory
Knowing how to find and use relevant air quality data has proven to be a challenging barrier for data-informed legal action and clean air advocacy. To help address this challenge, EDF has created a central directory of both air pollutant emissions databases and associated tools.
This searchable, filterable database allows users to learn more about each database and tool. EDF developed this inventory in collaboration with partners and clean air advocates, prioritizing databases and tools that are the most user-friendly and relevant for advocacy.
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Category of Data
Types of Pollutants
Spatial Extent
Potential Uses
Temporal Resolution
Update Frequency

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) PLACES
Provides health data for small areas across the country. PLACES includes model-based, population-level analysis and community estimates of various health measures to all counties, places (incorporated and census designated places), census tracts and ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) across the U.S.

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO)
Enforcement and compliance data for air emissions from stationary sources, surface water dischagers, hazordous waste handlers and drinking water systems. Includes permit data, inspection/compliance evaluation dates, violations, enforcement actions and penalties assessed.

Environmental Protection Agency National Emission Inventory (NEI)
Compilation of air emissions estimates from various sources, including point sources like petrochemical facilities, transportation and fires. Data is compiled from other EPA emissions programs and from data provided by state, local and tribal agencies.

Existing and Proposed CO2 Pipelines in the US
Maps known and available routes of existing and proposed CO2 pipelines in the U.S. and generates demographic and community-level information, incorporating data from EPA's Environmental Justice Screening Tool and the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool.

Lousiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) VOC Canister and PAH Sample Data
Data generator that pulls chemical concentrations from 16 ground monitoring sites (2 Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations, 14 Special Purpose Monitoring Stations). Can be filtered by site, parish and temporal resolution.

Refinery Capacity Report Archives
Archival data series including fuel, electricity and steam purchased for consumption at refineries; refinery receipts of crude oil by method of transportation; current and projected atmospheric crude oil distillation; and downstream charge capacities and production capacity of selected products.

Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model Output
Uses Toxic Release Inventory data to provide estimates on the amount of toxic chemicals released or transferred from facilities, together with factors such as the chemical’s fate and transport through the environment, each chemical’s relative toxicity and potential human exposure. Explore data for chemicals, industry sectors, facilities and geographic areas with the greatest potential for chronic human health impacts. Includes modeled chemical concentrations, toxicity-weighted concentrations and RSEI Scores.